our method

Our Method

For over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by  Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.

CBT is used to change the way one thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts.

In brief, virtually everything we do is based on what is called a “learned response”. We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.

We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtly different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to quit smoking.

The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our KarmaQuit Motivational Stop Smoking Program system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting. Our attendees not only quit smoking, but they quit smoking very easily and after that instead of becoming miserable, they become happy and joyous, thereby creating long last change in their lives.


It isn't aversion therapy or hypnotism or 'Neuro-Linguistic Programming'.

It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking

that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.